…) It is also the light that founds the ultimate encounter with the triad Propagação# 1, Metamorfose & Rumor. These three videos establish a vertical dialogue marked by the simultaneous movement of concealment and revelation of excerpts that point to Heraclito’s becoming, for a cyclical and tense alternation between opposing states, between the two great pillars of human interdicts [1] – death and Birth – and still, by the continuous witnessing of the mesmerizing sequence, for the transgression of them. As if, suddenly, through the work (s) and absent from our flesh, we are endowed with the infinite capacity to undergo a similar experience of death and rebirth, and thus connect with the unlimited dimension of the sacred.
[1] BATAILLE, Georges, The Birth of Art, 1st ed., Lisbon, Solar System, 2015, p. 46.
Andreia César, 2016 (excerpt from the text “TREMOR”)